Application Declined Trashcat's All-Trade Moderator App

Discussion in 'Archived Staff Applications' started by Trashcat, Aug 26, 2014.

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  1. Trashcat

    Trashcat The Professional Hobo
    Retired Staff

    Jul 4, 2014
    +32 / 2
    SteamRep Profile Data:
    | steamname: Trashcat ⇋HG⇌
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:39979543
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    What position are you applying for?

    In which server would you like to be staff?

    How many hours do you have in our server?

    How old are you?

    What Time-Zone you live in?

    Do you have a mic and do you use it?
    Yes, I do.

    Do you have any previous Admin experience, if so, where and when?
    I have some previous admin experience on a modded minecraft server. (MonsterCraft Tekkit)
    I was an admin there for around 3 months

    What ideas or skills can you bring to the table?
    I have plenty of trading experience after roughly 3 years of TF2. I can spot scammers and sharkers and people who threaten the peace of the server. I also love helping new players.

    Why do you think you would be a good staff member?
    I think I would be a good staff member because I can remain calm in stressful situations. I don't lose my temper, and I'm very active on the server. I am also friendly and would be able to defuse situations that get out of hand.

    How much time can you spend per-day on the servers/forums?
    At least 2-3+ hours on weekdays
    5+ hours on weekends
    (More on weekdays during the summer)

    What do you think the current staff is doing right?
    The Staff are very kind and respectful, even to people that are acting quite rude. The Staff give people a chance to stop how they are behaving before receiving a punishment. I think the staff are doing great at giving everyone a fair chance, everyone is treated equally. Disruptions are also taken care of quite quickly, if there is a problem, it is normally fixed very fast. The HG staff also do a great job at staying calm, even if someone is loud-mouthing.

    What things do you think the staff, or Harpoon Gaming as a whole, could improve on?
    Having someone on at most times, since there are occasionally times when there aren't any Staff on a server and people start causing chaos. Other than that the Staff are great!

    Why do you want to be a member of the Staff?
    I want to be a member of the Staff to fill in the times when other staff aren't online to control the server. I want to prevent scammers, sharkers, mic-spammers, and chaos from ruining these servers.

    Are you ready to act as middleman for events and trades?
    Yes, I am

    Do you have a Rep thread, if so, please link it here?

    Special Notes:
    "I have read the prerequisites for applying for a staff position, I understand them and believe I have met them."

    Any miscellaneous information we should know?
    I have been involved in the HG community for a long time, (been on and off TF2) and I rejoined the community at the start of this summer and would love to be more involved in the community.
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  2. Trashcat

    Trashcat The Professional Hobo
    Retired Staff

    Jul 4, 2014
    +32 / 2
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  3. Jin&Tonic

    Jin&Tonic Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
    Staff Member Owner Universal Staff Discord Staff

    Nov 4, 2013
    +2,352 / 75
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    Harpoon Gaming is a gaming community, with servers in Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, and more. We were founded on the idea that no matter who you are, you have a home here. Too often we see communities rife with bullies and trolls, and Harpoon was created because we think we can do better than that.
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